Rinkle Oswal
4 min readJun 9, 2020


work (workout) from home.

Locked in our houses in this pandemic, some are still working from home or some have online lectures. Sitting in one corner of the room and not able to burn as many calories as someone living a more active lifestyle may substantially increase the risk of weight gain. For many, going out for a walk, or to the gym still remains a dilemma. Many are unable to give time for their physical activity due to their workload.

Undeniably there are some pros and cons of “working from home”. For example, the one who had to stay away from home while working or had a busy schedule can now be with their family, their travel and stay cost is reduced. They can have proper meals, can have good health.

But, now they may have less physical activity thus develop a sedentary lifestyle. For some whose, working hours are increased, they have to sit for hours in front of the computer screen, may even experience strain on their neck, back, and eyes. They also miss the sunshine vitamin (vitamin D). Some may have less time for socializing themselves. For women, handling their household chores and work might be a task. Physically going to your workspace creates a different mindset. People tend to be a bit lazy.

we should not passively let go of the negative impact on our health. Putting up those extra kilos may even increase the risk of developing many underlying diseases. For weight loss many trending diets like a vegan diet, the keto diet is available. Also, there are online paid apps or gym coaches available.

But to what extent will these help you to have a healthy lifestyle?

Many times we have seen people following these trendy diets and online coaches for some days and after that, they are back to square one. They are unable to follow it for long and end up gaining weight again. Many people abandon their efforts to take care of themselves because it is just too difficult to manage all these.

Then what can we do for not only having a healthy lifestyle but also maintain it?

Let us look for a silver lining to all these problems and this pandemic.

There is no such magic formula behind it, but some simple and easy ways.

Have a fixed and scheduled routine: It’s not necessary to maintain a diary and strictly follow it. Keep it very basic and feasible for you. Try to complete as many daily goals as possible. Have proper intervals in between your work hours, this will help to avoid stress and maintain a balance between your work and personal life.

At times, managing all these might become a task. But one must learn how to balance them.

Diet: Look for a basic diet that fits in your daily routine and whose food products are readily available. Never follow a trendy diet, without consulting a nutritionist, for a diet that is personalized and which fits in all required and adequate nutrition. Have a fixed time for your meal with fixed portion size. Avoid having too many processed foods, that extra piece of cake, fried foods, and overeating. Avoid resting after meals. Rather than taking a nap, you can take a walk or give time for your hobbies. This will enhance your brain working; make you more creative and active for the day. Research says, taking intervals while working and learning something creative may enhance your work productivity.

Workout: A small tip for the workout is: work out in your own house! (secret yes you can still work out with weights without able to go to the gym).Simple push-ups with moving the furniture up and down, bench dips or even power-ups and downs with chair or walls, various lunges with a chair, etc. can be done at your home without actually going to the gym. You can even help clean your house for other stretching exercises. (P.s.dont break your hands or legs or any of the furniture.)

During work intervals of 10–15min, you can do some desk exercises-“deskercise” like stretching. This increases your work efficiency.

Have fixed timings: There might be disturbance from family or your younger ones. Don’t let anyone interrupt the other. Taking a nap between the work intervals will make you feel lazier and will interrupt your work productivity.

Fix your position for working, a place where you can get enough sunlight, plants to give you more oxygen. Just a window or balcony view to keep you feel fresh and active till the end will always help. Always vacate your workspace and arrange it properly, this helps in avoiding distraction. Never choose a dark room or the corner of your house. This creates a feeling of depression.

TIP: Before you start your work, freshen up and dress up properly. This creates a feeling of positivity

In this digitalized century, where everything is available online, but knowing what to do, and actually doing it are, of course, quite different things. Caring for your body is like another aspect of “goodness”.

Life is short and time is fleeting. Be enthusiastic about what you do.

“Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today”-anonymous

A healthy mind and a healthy life are a permanent source of happiness.

